Orca doing Backstroke in the Gulf Islands, British Columbia, Canada

Photo and video credit  of HT.

Who says you must go to Alaska or South America to whalewatch.  Just off the beautiful terraces of my friend's home in Pender Island, the Orcas come to play. Not just once in a while - often.  This becomes the favorite 'happy hour' of each day very quickly, in fact, no matter what the day holds - hiking, Victoria, going to the market, you must get home by dusk to watch for the friends that Helen has.  For those of you not familiar with Pender Island - it can be reached by seaplane in a short 45 minutes from Vancouver, and is located very close to the (more) famous Salt Spring Island.  This is somewhere to live for your soul. It is breathtaking, quiet, simple and surprisingly, very Mediterranean in climate. Pack your bags! September is one of the finest months! And I hear the Canadian dollar is not too shabby.
See the backstroke here on youtube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kW4f7yuNLqI

1 comment :

  1. The Gulf Islands are beautiful, relaxing and home to so much sea life. The video was truly amazing to watch!!!!
